Twitter gay porn 2019

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Instead, porn production studios and performers flocked to Twitter. Where did they go? Probably not Facebook or Instagram, who are both known for removing nudity, although there are still plenty of porn performers on Instagram living that influencer lifestyle. The blogging site was known as a community space for all subcultures online, but in the following two months, traffic to the site fell 29% or about 150 million users. There was an outcry from the porn industry when Tumblr banned adult content from its platform at the end of 2018. While some social media sites have policies to keep porn from dominating their platforms, Twitter isn’t that way-and it has no plans to change. Though our organization is non-legislative, we fully support the regulation of already illegal forms of pornography and sexual exploitation, including the fight against sex trafficking. Including links and discussions about these legislative matters does not constitute an endorsement by Fight the New Drug. Some of the issues discussed in the following article are legislatively-affiliated. Disclaimer: Fight the New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative awareness and education organization.

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