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In 2014, her novel, An Untamed State, and an essay collection, Bad Feminist, met with wide acclaim, and in the wake of unrest over anti-black police violence, hers was one of the clearest voices in the national conversation. (If you are a big fan of our bi-annual Previews and find yourself referring to them year-round, please consider supporting our efforts by becoming a member!)ĭifficult Women by Roxane Gay: Gay has had an enormously successful few years. And, continuing a tradition we started this fall, we’ll be doing mini previews at the beginning of each month - let us know if there are other things we should be looking forward to. You’ll notice that we’ve re-combined our fiction and nonfiction lists, emphasizing fiction as in the past. We hope the following list of 80-something upcoming books peps you up for the (first half of the) new year.

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Coetzee, Rachel Cusk, Jesmyn Ward? A lost manuscript by Claude McKay? A novel by Elif Batuman? Short stories by Penelope Lively? A memoir by Yiyun Li? Books from no fewer than four Millions staffers? It’s a feast.

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But this year! Books from George Saunders, Roxane Gay, Hari Kunzru, J.M. Although 2016 has gotten a bad rap, there were, at the very least, a lot of excellent books published.

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